Ascertain that a qualified physician recommends a treatment that you can apply by yourself at home. The procedure takes less than five minutes daily just like the two other ways mentioned above, but the chemistry within this merchandise promises lasting effects.
Step 1. Clean The Area.
Gently remove any mascara residue on the lashes. Moisturizing it beforehand is not necessary when you pick a high-quality product.
Step 2. Spread On The Eyelash Enhancer.
Do the second step from the lash line down to the ends. Applying the product in this manner ensures that it reaches the hair roots.
Step 3. Style The Next Morning.
When you wake up, you can readily smear mascara on it without having to use false eyelashes or a straightening tool. What it entails is that your mornings can go on minus the stress that you used to experience to uncurl those lashes of yours.
Step 4. Repeat The Steps As Indicated By The Brand.
How long you should utilize the chemical will once again depend on the jurisdiction of the medical and industrial professionals. However, stick to this basic routine until the final date specified in the packaging.